
Fast and Ultrafast LC-MS/MS Methods for Robust and Reliable Analysis of Pesticides in Food Using the Vanquish UHPLC System

Fast and Ultrafast LC-MS/MS Methods for Robust and Reliable Analysis of Pesticides in Food Using the Vanquish UHPLC System

25 Nov 2015

Food safety is an increasing concern that has resulted in stringent pesticide regulation globally and in continuous recalls of food products. Food safety regulations require the screening and the quantitation of a large number of pesticides in food at maximum residue levels generally set in the ppb-ppm range to minimize their possible negative effects on human health. This has prompted the development of generic and reliable analytical multiresidue methods for the analysis of hundreds of pesticides simultaneously. This application note presents a comparison between fast and ultrafast LC-MS/MS methods in timed SRM mode for the analysis of 250+ pesticides in food extracts.

