ResourceLife Sciences
High-Quality Genomic DNA Isolation and Sensitive Mutation Analysis
High-Quality Genomic DNA Isolation and Sensitive Mutation Analysis
4 Feb 2016This application note from Qiagen describes a study which assessed the yield and overall quality of genomic DNA isolated from four cancer cell lines and admixtures thereof with a wild-type cell line. The method used the QIAamp® DNA Mini Kit for gDNA isolation and the qBiomarker® Somatic Mutation PCR Arrays and Assays for detection of mutation status.
BiosensorsGenome AnalysisPCR and Thermal CyclingCell Lines Stem Cells and Primary CellsMicroplate Readers / DetectorsSample ManagementDNA / RNA Extraction and PurificationDNA SequencingGene Expression and Molecular CloningRNA InterferenceBiomarkersRobotic InstrumentsAutomated Liquid HandlingClinical GeneticsCell-Based Assays