Immunohistochemistry: A guide to investigating cancer hallmarks

11 Jul 2021

The variety of immune cells and interactions present in cancerous tumors makes studying them complex, but also offers plenty of opportunities for immunotherapeutic intervention. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) has not only shown promise in identifying these altered molecular pathways, but also in assessing which of these targets are likely to respond to therapy.

In this eBook, we provide a comprehensive guide to the use of IHC for cancer research and immunotherapy development, speaking to experts in the field about the importance of robustly validated antibodies and how to ensure confidence in your results. Plus, we dive deep into the key players in the immune system and their interactions in the tumor microenvironment (TME).

Download this free eBook to explore:

  • The role of the immune cells and interactions in the TME
  • How to optimize and apply IHC in immuno-oncology
  • The importance of robust antibody validation

