Introducing Olink Flex: Interferon Stimulation Panel

16 Aug 2023

While immunotherapeutic approaches have achieved durable treatment responses in certain cancer patients and raise hope for further advancements, a lack of response and acquired drug resistance continue to pose major clinical challenges. Understanding the intricate mechanisms of tumor immune evasion is key to identifying novel druggable targets, as well as biomarkers that could lead to improved response prediction and patient stratification. Blood profiling based on an IFN signature can be relevant for predicting and following patient response to immunotherapy. Here, Olink presents the Olink® Flex IFN stimulation panel, which consists of 20 protein biomarkers, including CCL2, IL15 and L6, which have been shown as relevant for predicting response to immunotherapy. These biomarkers may be important both for understanding the context-dependent role of IFN stimulation in treatment response, as well as for developing personalized therapeutic strategies.

