Introducing the DeepSIM super-resolution system, a seamless evolution of your microscopy

10 Apr 2023

CrestOptics believes that super-resolved microscopy data should be accessible to all scientists to progress their research. This is the reason why it has developed DeepSIM, a super-resolution module based on a lattice multi-spot structured illumination. In this application note, CrestOptics presents the DeepSIM. The DeepSIM relies on a 2D lattice multi-spot SIM technique, reaching 100 nm XY resolution and 300 nm Z resolution (100X, 1.45 NA Plan Apochromat objective). The set of three dedicated micro-lens masks and the compatibility with low and high magnification objectives expand the application of the DeepSIM to a variety of biological samples, from cell monolayers to 3D cell cultures and cleared tissues over 100 µm thick with Z-depth penetration comparable to a confocal microscope. Featuring high photon-efficiency in illumination with a temporal resolution over 10 fps, the DeepSIM is also well suited for live-cell imaging with multiple colours and conventional fluorophores within the 405-750 nm excitation spectral ranges.

