<em>In vivo</em> imaging of microglia as the brain’s thermostat for tuning neuronal activity

17 Jul 2023

Understanding the interaction between neurons and glia is critical to answering the most pertinent questions in neuroscience research. To understand brain cell dynamics, researchers must be able to image brain sections deeply and in vivo. Bruker’s Ultima Investigator™ multiphoton microscope is well-suited for neuroscience applications such as this, featuring a base system specifically optimized for in vivo studies while supporting deep, fast, and sensitive imaging. Here, Bruker summarizes the presentation given by Dr. Mario Merlini, assistant professor at the Institute of Blood and Brain at the University of Caen-Normandie, about his use of multiphoton microscopy and other techniques to address crucial research questions regarding the role of microglial cells in tuning neuronal activity in live mice.

