Maximizing Protein Expression in CHO Suspension Cells through Transient Transfection

16 Feb 2015

The TransIT-PRO Transfection Kit uses animal origin free components designed for high and reproducible protein yield in suspension CHO cells. Transfections using the TransIT-PRO Transfection Kit are linear in culture volumes ranging from 4-400 milliliters in shake or spinner vessels. Competitor benchmarking experiments were performed utilizing the FreeStyle Max expression system and multiple transfection methods. Western blot and ELISA detecting human IgG levels demonstrate that the TransIT-PRO Transfection Kit and FreeStyle Max Transfection Reagent perform similarly, outperforming 25 kDa linear PEI by 5-fold. The results demonstrate that maximum levels of transient expression are achieved when an effective delivery reagent is combined with optimized transfection parameters and growth conditions.

