Mix-and-Measure Assay for Screening Hybridoma Supernatants on IntelliCyt Platforms

9 Nov 2018

Antibody engineering is critical to development of new therapies in many fields such as oncology, where monoclonal antibodies are currently the most widely used immunotherapy for cancer. Screening hybridoma libraries for antibodies that bind to cell surface antigens is a time and resource intensive process. The current screening workflow often involves several individual testing steps, including different biochemical tests that test for binding, specificity, followed by cell based assays. In addition to being costly and laborious, purified protein assays such as ELISA that utilize denatured antigens can generate false negatives - potential missed hits that would have bound to antigens in their native conformation. IntelliCyt has developed a “mix-and-measure” intact cell assay for primary screening that simultaneously assesses antigen binding and cross-reactivity.

