MultiClamp 700B Microelectrode Amplifier

1 Aug 2023

In this product brochure, Molecular Devices® presents the MultiClamp 700B Microelectrode Amplifier, a computer-controlled, versatile amplifier for electrophysiology and electrochemistry. It supports various recording modes, including single-channel and whole-cell voltage patch-clamp, high-speed current-clamp, ion-selective electrode recording, amperometry/voltammetry, and bilayer recordings. The amplifier accommodates up to two primary CV-7B headstages and two optional auxiliary headstages (HS-2 or VG-2 type). Each CV-7B headstage provides a current-to-voltage converter for voltage-clamp and a voltage follower for true current-clamp, enabling seamless switching between low-noise patch-clamp and high-speed current-clamp recording. Additionally, an optional CV-7B/BL headstage is available for bilayer recording.

