Observation of changes in actin during cell division

6 May 2024

Cytokinesis is the final stage in cell division, during which the cytoplasm of one cell is physically divided into two separate cells. Actin filaments play a crucial role in supporting cell structure and facilitating division. Just before cell separation, actin filaments constrict the cell membrane, leading to the formation of two daughter cells. Cytochalasin B, a compound widely used in cell division and movement research, significantly affects the structure and dynamics of actin filaments. It primarily hinders cytokinesis by blocking the formation of contractile microfilaments. Additionally, previous studies have shown that cytochalasin B can lead to incomplete cell division, resulting in the formation of multinucleated cells. Curiosis demonstrates dynamic changes in cell structure upon cytochalasin B treatment using the Celloger® Pro live cell imaging system. By enabling real-time cell monitoring inside the incubator, it allows for seamless observation and tracking of cellular dynamics without disrupting the natural growth environment.

