PhyNexus PhyTip® Columns for Rapid Micro-Volume Scale Capture, Purification and Enrichment of Proteins and Antibodies

11 Jun 2013

The introduction of recombinant proteins that poses amino acid-tagged sites has resulted in a mechanism for many researchers to specifically extract proteins of interest from a mass of unwanted macromolecules in order to study the protein’s structure and function. However, the isolation of recombinant proteins and antibodies for analysis by any of today’s high sensitivity detection techniques such as mass spectrometry or protein biochips involves a tedious and time consuming macro-scale process. In addition these same isolation processes result in an end product that may not retain functional integrity and therefore the end result could be compromised. In this application note read how PhyNexus, Inc. has developed a unique system to overcome the issue of producing sufficient quantities of purified and fully functional protein at a micro-volume scale.
