Readybag® Granulated Media Pouches for Composite Food Samples

Readybag® Granulated Media Pouches for Composite Food Samples

8 Jan 2016

This application note presents a study performed by Cherney Microbiological Services (Green Bay, WI, USA) that demonstrated the time, utility and space savings offered by Readybag® enrichment media for composite food samples as compared to both high efficiency and traditional media preparation methods. Pathogen enrichment using culture media is a critical part of any microbiological testing workflow. Unfortunately, traditional methods are time-consuming and require media handling by laboratory personnel, which can increase the risk of introducing contamination. The pathogen enrichment process can be simplified and shortened using Readybag® pouches. The pouches are filled with pre-weighed and gamma-irradiated, granulated culture media which eliminates the need for upfront media preparation.

