Semi-automated medium exchange in Akura 96 and 384 spheroid microplates with the VIAFLO 96 and VIAFLO 384

27 Jul 2023

In this application note, emphasizes the importance of 3D human in vitro cell models in drug discovery and development, as they better mimic in vivo responses compared to traditional 2D models. InSphero's 3D cell-based assay solutions using spheroids offer significant benefits in liver toxicology, metabolic diseases, and oncology. The ultra-low attachment Akura™ 96 and 384 Spheroid Microplates allow easy scaffold-free formation of spheroids with convenient medium exchange. The VIAFLO 96 and VIAFLO 384 electronic pipettes are crucial for accurate pipetting, enabling uniform spheroid models and precise dosing. The combination of InSphero's microplates and VIAFLO pipettes provides a scalable and automation-compatible platform for efficient and reliable spheroid cultivation, observation, and testing.

