Search results for "Thermo Fisher Scientific"
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Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop™ One/OneC Microvolume UV-Vis Spectrophotometer with Wi-Fi
Thermo Fisher ScientificPowerful auto-range pathlength technology facilitates accurate measurements for concentrated samples with no need for dilutions
Gemini FTIR/Raman Handheld Analyzer
Thermo Fisher ScientificThermo Fisher Scientific has redefined performance and portability with the new Thermo Scientific™ Gemini™ Analyzer , the world’s first and only handheld integrated Raman and FTIR instrument.
Thermo Scientific™ E1-ClipTip™ Bluetooth™ Electronic Adjustable Tip Spacing Multichannel Equalizer Pipettes
Thermo Fisher ScientificPerform sample transfers between virtually any tube, rack, microplate or horizontal gel box quickly and efficiently with the Thermo Scientific™ E1-ClipTip™ Equalizer Pipette.
Buffer Solution, TISAB, Fisher Chemical
Fisher ScientificFor Analysis of the Determination of Fluoride Ion Concentration by Fluoride Ion Electrode
Sodium Chloride, Fisher BioReagents™
Fisher ScientificSodium Chloride is a main component of many electrophoresis and molecular biology buffers and media.