Bioflux system used in key studies to identify causes and treatments of blood clots related to Covid-19
Potential treatments identified that may offer improved outcomes in COVID-19 patients with increased thrombus formation
Potential treatments identified that may offer improved outcomes in COVID-19 patients with increased thrombus formation
Find out how Swiss company leadXpro is collaborating with a leading interferometry technology provider to investigate drug binding affinity and kinetics
Discover the latest tools and techniques to expand your research capacity with expert-led presentations on immune profiling, clinical diagnostics, IT connectivity, precision medicine, and more
The cutting-edge software module is intended to address the expanding scientific demand for complicated 3D in-vitro models from academics and drug developers
Thermo Scientific Tox Explorer Collection solves complex analytical challenges and increases laboratory productivity
Thermo Scientific AccelerOme Automated Sample Preparation Platform brings greater reproducibility and standardization to LC-MS workflows
Download this free guide to discover how to use ultra-fast mass spectrometry to quantify trace levels of nitrosamine impurities
Givaudan expert shares the challenges faced in the competitive world of perfumery, and reveals how to meet the growing global demand for fragrancies
Explore a compendium full of tips, tricks, and tools, and explore cutting edge research on FTIR spectroscopy
Watch this on-demand webinar to gain insights into how to improve the safety of your lab with air filtration technologies
Thermo Scientific Direct Mass Technology mode enables simultaneous charge detection for analysis of previously unmeasurable analytes
We speak with Niklas Warlin to learn about his research into plastics made from renewable sources and how researchers are developing the monomers to build these
Prof. Saúl Loaiza shares the importance of robust quality control in mineral analysis by using high-quality in-the-field analyzers
In this guest editorial, Denis Smit from Micropore Technologies outlines the challenges faced in lipid nanoparticle development and manufacturing
Watch this on-demand webinar to discover how a connected ecosystem can benefit your laboratory processes
The BD FACSDiscover™ S8 Cell Sorter with BD CellView™ Image Technology is the first to combine spectral flow cytometry with sort-capable imaging
The kit enables highly efficient, optimal RNA-Seq library preparation for comprehensive transcriptome profiling