Search results for "rigaku"
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Miniflex XpC – XRD for high-throughput quality control
Rigaku CorporationThe Miniflex XpC is an X-ray diffractometer designed specifically for quality control in cement plants and other operations requiring online process control such as pharmaceuticals and batteries. It has been optimized for speed and accuracy, bringing lab-quality performance to the manufacturing floor. With this in mind, the MiniFlex XpC allows you to process more samples faster, and to gain greater control over your process t…
NEX QC+ EDXRF Analyzer
Rigaku CorporationFor more demanding applications, or for situations where analysis time or sample throughput is critical, Rigaku offers the new NEX QC+ spectrometer. Employing the next generation silicon detector technology, the enhanced NEX QC+ affords significant improvement in elemental peak resolution and counting statistics, resulting in superior calibrations and measurement precision for the most challenging measurements.Specifically d…
Rigaku SmartLab Testimonial from Triclinic Labs
Rigaku MiniFlex Benchtop X-Ray Diffractometer
MicroMax-007 HF
Rigaku CorporationThe MicroMax™ 007 HF is the most widely used home lab X-ray source for protein crystallography. The original MicroMax™ 007 introduced the world to the concept of a sub-100 micron focal spot size along the increased brilliance that can be more effectively used to illuminate small crystals. The current HF version increases the power loading by 50% over the original model providing an X-ray source that rivals second generation s…
Rigaku NEX DE FAST SDD EDXRF spectrometer
Rigaku NEX QC: Low Cost Elemental Analyzer
Rigaku CorporationAs a premium low cost benchtop Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) elemental analyzer, the Rigaku NEX QC delivers wide elemental coverage with an easy-to-learn software interface in a robust package designed for industrial at-line quality control applications. Specifically designed for routine quality control elemental analysis applications, the new Rigaku NEX QC features an intuitive "icon-driven" touch screen inter…
Rigaku Radioflex Radiographic Testing Systems for NDT
Rigaku CorporationRigaku’s Radioflex EGM2 series directional radiographic testing systems are tried and tested. They are characterized by their reliability and robustness. Their rugged design caters to the rigors of in-field testing, while their proven dependability ensures they are ready to go when you are. These systems are built to last, while the high-performance ceramic X-ray tubes will provide years of operation.
Rigaku Presents New X-ray Microscope at XRM2016
Rigaku HyPix-3000 2D Hybrid Pixel Array Detector
Drug Product Identification Using Handheld Raman from Rigaku
Rigaku Supermini200: Elemental Analysis by X-ray Florescence
MiniFlex Benchtop XRD
Rigaku CorporationNew 6th-generation general purpose benchtop XRD system for phase identification and phase quantification. New sixth generation MiniFlex X-ray diffractometer (XRD) is a multipurpose analytical instrument that can determine: phase identification and quantification, percent (%) crystallinity, crystallite size and strain, lattice parameter refinement, Rietveld refinement, and molecular structure. It is widely used in research,…