Search results for "rotary vane pump"
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Abbemat Heavy Duty Line
Anton PaarThe refractometers of the Heavy Duty line are designed formeasuring the refractive index under harsh environments and in special applications. To withstand rough conditions they have a hermetically sealed stainless steel or aluminium casing. The refractometers of the Heavy Duty Line are either operated by a separate control unit or by a PC from a remote position. Abbemat Heavy Duty refractometers can be placed on their s…
SimGlycan Software
Thermo Fisher ScientificSimGlycan™ Software (a product of PREMIER Biosoft International) predicts the structure of a glycan from the MS/MS data acquired by AB SCIEX mass spectrometers. It facilitates the study of glycosylation and post translational modifications. The software works directly with *.t2d and *.wiff data generated from AB SCIEX instruments, including the 4800 Plus MALDI TOF/TOF™ Analyzer, 4000 QTRAP® System, and QSTAR® Elite System. * M…