Search results for "eppendorf"
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Malvern Panalytical wins Reviewers’ Choice Award: The importance of customer reviews
Leading by example: Starlab’s journey to a sustainable, greener future
Meet the environmentally conscious supplier paving the way to greener research
Cannabis testing - pesticides, topicals, simple standards and more
Keep up to date with the latest techniques and technologies driving cannabis research into 2021
5 top webinars coming up this week
Explore hot topics from 3D X-ray microscopy and in vitro diagnostics to gas chromatography and synthetic guide RNAs
Borosilicate glass microplates improves imaging sensitivity
The Porvair Sciences Krystal™ glass bottom plate range demonstrates higher performance than standard polystyrene plates
Transforming aliquoting tasks from tedious to effortless
OsmoTECH PRO: Multi-sample micro-osmometer
The companion test to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination
Experience a new level of bioprocess control with the OsmoTECH PRO
INVENIO FT-IR Spectrometer: Your right-hand man in analytical labs
FDA allows more flexible storage and transportation conditions for Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine
The update provides alternative temperature for transportation and temporary storage for frozen vials before dilution
SARS-CoV-2 mutations in competition
Hamamatsu Photonics has developed a high-power QCL module that applies a unique QCL beam combining technology
The module will deliver an output power of 2 watts at a wavelength of 8.6 μm, making it ideal for laser micromachining of fluoropolymer resins
Peak Scientific unveils new cost-efficient nitrogen gas solution for Shimadzu high-flow LC-MS/MS systems
Genius XE SMZ offers Shimadzu customers a tailored solution in a compact unit
High-throughput analysis of cannabinoids in cannabis products
MilliporeSigma and Supra Research and Development demonstrate a reliable method for cannabinoid analysis in serval different matrices