Search results for "slas europe 2018"
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axoCells™ Human iPSC-Derived Neural Stem Cells, newborn male donor, ≥1.5 million cells
Axol BioscienceaxoCells Human iPSC-Derived Neural Stem Cells (=1.5 million cells) for maturation to cortical excitatory neurons or striatal neurons for neuroscience research. NSCs made from iPSCs which were generated from a newborn male donor's cord blood.
axoCells™ Human iPSC-Derived Neural Stem Cells, female donor, ≥1.5 million cells
Axol BioscienceaxoCells Human iPSC-Derived Neural Stem Cells (=1.5 million cells) for maturation to cortical excitatory neurons or striatal neurons for neuroscience research. NSCs made from iPSCs which were generated from a newborn female donor's cord blood.
axoCells™ Human iPSC-Derived Neural Stem Cells, male donor, ≥1.5 million cells
Axol BioscienceaxoCells Human iPSC-Derived Neural Stem Cells (=1.5 million cells) for maturation to cortical excitatory neurons or striatal neurons for neuroscience research. NSCs made from iPSCs which were generated from a 74-year-old male donor's pulmonary fibroblasts.