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Cecilia Fenech, Dublin City University: An Environmental Forensics Approach to Nitrate Source Determination

27 Mar 2013
Cecilia Fenech, Dublin City University: An Environmental Forensics Approach to Nitrate Source Determination

In this video Cecilia Fenech from Dublin City University discusses her work which involves identifying the source of nitrate contamination using pharmaceuticals as chemical markers. Cecilia tells SelectScience how in addition to using traditional methods, such as solid phase extraction and LC/MS/MS, she has applied novel ELISA analyses. The aim of this work is to develop a methodology that will enable regulatory authorities to perform testing easily, quickly and at a lower cost.

'This research has been funded as part of ATWARM (Advanced Technologies for WAter Resource Management), a Marie Curie Initial Training Network as part of the FP7 People Programme.'

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