Product NewsLife Sciences
Celloger Nano application: Cytotoxicty
24 Nov 2022
This video from CURIOSIS shows how its Celloger® Nano can be utilized for investigating the levels of cytotoxicity of HeLa cells when treated with either nocodazole or staurosporine. To measure the cytotoxicity of nocodazole, dead cells were stained with green fluorescent CellTox™ dye. Images of HeLa cells were taken every hour for a total of 48 hours using Celloger® Nano 4X objective, green fluorescence. To measure the cytotoxicity of staurosporine, dead cells were stained with red fluorescent Propidium iodide dye. Images of HeLa cells were taken every hour for a total of 71 hours using Celloger® Nano 4X objective, red fluorescence.