SelectScience InterviewsDrug discovery > Lead Discovery

Drug Discovery & Development Video of the Year offers insight into research pushing towards a cure for HIV

28 Jan 2020
Drug Discovery & Development Video of the Year offers insight into research pushing towards a cure for HIV

The 2020 Scientists’ Choice Award for Drug Discovery & Development Video of the Year was awarded to Prof. Tatyana Polenova, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Delaware. The winning video, first published on The Scientists' Channel, highlights the use of solid-state NMR spectroscopy for looking at the molecular structure of viruses with atomic resolution. On winning the award, Polenova said: “This is an honor, and I hope that this video may inspire young scientists to pursue research in the fields of structural biology, HIV research and NMR spectroscopy. It was a great experience professionally working with the SelectScience team, an amazing and fun group of people.”

Find out more about Prof. Tatyana Polenova on The Scientists' Channel >>

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