SelectScience InterviewsSeparations

How to Troubleshoot Your GC/MS Setup and Optimize Your Separations

6 Jun 2019
How to Troubleshoot Your GC/MS Setup and Optimize Your Separations

In this video, Diane Turner, director and senior consultant for Anthias Consulting Ltd., discusses her role in providing training and consultancy in gas chromatography (GC) and GC/MS. Turner outlines the set-up in her lab, including predominantly Agilent GC systems, along with a variety of mass spectrometers, including Thermo Fisher Scientific's Triple Quadrupole TSQ, LECO's Pegasus 4D, Markes BenchTOF, as well mass spectrometers that were developed in the lab. Turner goes on to explain how comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) can vastly improve sensitivity up to 400 times, easily analyzing complex samples and analytes with much lower detection limits.

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