SelectScience InterviewsLife Sciences

New High-Sensitivity Immunoassays from MilliporeSigma Detect Picogram Level Cytokines

3 Jun 2017
New High-Sensitivity Immunoassays from MilliporeSigma Detect Picogram Level Cytokines

Robert Keith, R&D Scientist, MilliporeSigma, a business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, introduces the new human and mouse MILLIPLEX® MAP High Sensitivity Cytokine Panels. Hear how these multiplex T Cell assays enable the detection of cytokine biomarkers at low levels, critical for the understanding of disease pathways, such as those involved in cancer and metabolic disease. The Human High Sensitivity T Cell Magnetic Bead Panel is available in both 96- and a new 384-well format, for increased experimental throughput.

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