SelectScience InterviewsLife Sciences

Refined Cell Analysis at The Francis Crick Institute


26 Mar 2019
Refined Cell Analysis at The Francis Crick Institute

In this video Dr. Kurt Anderson, Head of Light and Imaging Analysis, and Dr. Alix Le Marois, project research scientist, from The Francis Crick Institute, discuss the numerous techniques and innovations of the Livecyte cell analysis system from Phasefocus. With label-free, high contrast imaging, the Livecyte system allows segmentation of cells in order to identify a range of cellular phenotypic characteristics, including mitosis and lineage tracing. Le Marois’s research modeling rare populations of cells resistance to lung cancer treatments has been assisted by the gentle, non-invasive imaging that produces no perturbation of cell behavior. This has led to observations of unexpected cell behavior via the general health and morphology of the cell as enabled by the Livecyte system.

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