Advanced techniques in SEM and EDS for biological samples

Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) measures and maps the distribution of elements within a sample. It can be used as a powerful imaging tool, providing accurate identification of stains, labels, and ultrastructural features. Additionally, EDS can be used to conduct analysis on the relative quantities of a wide range of elements, providing compositional data on native elements and exogenous features.

This webinar will cover an introduction to biological EDS, using the Ultim Extreme detector, and how it can be used in combination with standard and advanced scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. Topics will include volume electron microscopy, STEM in SEM, and combining EDS with stereoscopy for topographical information, supported by examples of these applications in research. This webinar will also feature a demonstration of setting up an EDS experiment in an SEM to look at calcium in osteoblasts.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the added value of compositional information for the identification and interpretation of cell and tissue ultrastructure
  • Become familiar with the range of techniques that are available with EDS, the type of information that can be obtained about biological samples in general, and how EDS can be used to address a range of research questions
  • Recognize the benefits of combining EDS with advanced SEM techniques

Who Should Attend
Biologists, medical researchers, cell biologists, plant biologists, and people with an interest in electron microscopy.

