From gene to genome: Next generation sequencing workflow automation

With modern high-throughput sequencing methods such as next-generation sequencing (NGS), the parallel-analysis of hundreds of thousands of genome regions has become possible. This enables a better characterization of hematological malignancies like leukemia, which in turn provides predictive information concerning prognosis as well as more targeted treatment choices.

The ever-increasing number of patient samples requires a high-throughput laboratory setup and standardization of the NGS library preparation and sequencing workflows. Challenges arise from the necessity of workflow optimizations and automation-friendly kits or reagent combinations that must therefore be designed to provide sufficient reagents for automation and associated dead volumes.

Rapid, high-accuracy sample processing and analysis is crucial in ensuring the success of leukemia therapy. By automating NGS library preparation on liquid handling robots, the Munich Leukemia Laboratory has achieved uniform output and homogeneity within its sequencing process. Additionally, overnight automation reduces turn-around times and ensures fast conveyance of information to physicians.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • The challenges of NGS workflow automation
  • The benefits of automation of NGS library preparation in diagnostic workflows, including: reliability, safety, and precision

Who should attend

Users who do next-generation sequencing, with special focus on diagnostic workflows.

