The future of engineered polymerases? Zeroing the step of quantitative reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR)

Engineered DNA and RNA polymerases underpin several biochemical techniques, particularly molecular diagnostics (MDx). In this webinar, hear from Dr. Kevin Eboigbodin, Senior Director of Molecular Diagnostic Reagents at Medix Biochemica Group, and Prof. Andreas Marx, Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Konstanz, to find out the latest developments in polymerase engineering. This webinar will also explore the use of polymerase engineering in the development of rapid and robust reverse-transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). Eboigbodin and Marx will explain more about Taq DNA polymerase, and how this displays high tolerance to sample inhibitors to enable the direct detection of DNA and/or RNA from crude samples without the need for nucleic acid extraction. Our experts will also discuss how this novel enzyme enables fast detection of RNA, and how advances in polymerase engineering can help to reduce assay development complexity and further shorten the time needed for the production of market-ready CE/FDA-approved molecular diagnostics kits.

Key learning objectives

  • Learn about the recent advances in polymerase engineering.
  • Understand more about Taq DNA polymerase – designed to enable direct detection of DNA/RNA from crude samples/specimens.
  • Find out more about ‘zero-step’ RT-qPCR and ultra-fast RT-qPCR.
  • Learn how to reduce assay development complexity and shorten MDx product development time-to-market.

Who should attend?

  • Users and developers of molecular diagnostics reagents and kits
  • Life science researchers and scientists
  • Laboratory scientists
  • Clinicians and healthcare professional in the field of diagnostics
  • Personnel from life science research and biotechnology companies

Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Kevin Eboigbodin
Kevin Eboigbodin
Senior Director, Molecular Diagnostic Reagents<p>Medix Biochemica</p>
Andreas Marx
Andreas Marx
Full Professor for Organic Chemistry / Cellular Chemistry<p>University of Konstanz, Germany</p>
Carrie Haslam
Carrie Haslam
Associate Editor, SelectScience

