Medix Biochemica

Medix Biochemica is a Finnish biotechnology company that develops, produces and markets monoclonal antibodies for IVD industry and diagnostic rapid tests for human healthcare worldwide. The company offers a flexible production scale, consistent quality from batch to batch and competitive pricing, with an efficient global delivery service. The business encompasses four main activities:

• MedixMAB monoclonal antibodies for IVD applications - industrial scale manufacturing
• MedixMAB Manufacturing - contract manufacturing service
• MedixMAB by Design - customised recombinant antibodies
• Actim rapid tests for human healthcare - particularly for women’s health

HiDi Taq 2x PCR Master Mix

Highly discriminatative master mix for mismatches at the 3’-terminus of primers in PCR.  HiDi® Taq 2x PCR Master Mix is a ready-to-use aptamer-based fast-start formulated master mix specially optimiz...


MedixMDx Fast Bst Mix

MedixMDx Fast Bst Mix is a ready-to-use mix containing recombinant DNA polymerase expressed by Geobacillus stearothermophilus. The Bst DNA polymerase displays high strand displacement activity, exhib...


MedixMDx Fast Bst RT Mix

MedixMDx Fast Bst RT Mix contains a Bst DNA polymerase that displays high strand displacement activity, and an efficient thermostable reverse transcriptase with an RNase inhibitor (RTase Amp) to preve...


Medix Biochemica is a Finnish biotechnology company that develops, produces and markets monoclonal antibodies for IVD industry and diagnostic rapid tests for human healthcare worldwide. The company offers a flexible production scale, consistent quality from batch to batch and competitive pricing, with an efficient global delivery service. The business encompasses four main activities:

• MedixMAB monoclonal antibodies for IVD applications - industrial scale manufacturing
• MedixMAB Manufacturing - contract manufacturing service
• MedixMAB by Design - customised recombinant antibodies
• Actim rapid tests for human healthcare - particularly for women’s health

Contact Medix Biochemica

Klovinpellontie 3, 02180 Espoo Finland

Website link