Using multiple observation methods to get the most out of your slides

With so many ways for a researcher to image a slide, it's important to understand the options available and how to take advantage of one method in order to compensate for another's disadvantage. Doing this will maximize the information that can be gained from any single slide, which is vital for those instances where samples are in limited quantity.

In this SelectScience webinar, Alec De Grand, an expert in virtual slide scanning and upright microscopes at Olympus Corporation of the Americas, will discuss the following:

  • The various observation methods to visualize a slide, including their relative advantages and disadvantages
  • How it’s possible to overcome one method's disadvantage with another's advantage by combining methods/li>
  • How this combination can provide valuable insights into samples that would not ordinarily be found without additional testing or may not be found at all

Who should attend:
This webinar is recommended for lab managers, core directors and researchers who use, or are interest in using, slide imaging technology in their work.

Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, and a learning outcomes summary document for continuing education purposes.

