SelectScience InterviewsClinical Diagnostics

Shaping the future of the UK diagnostics industry while ensuring continuity of supply

3 Dec 2020
Shaping the future of the UK diagnostics industry while ensuring continuity of supply

Here Duncan Porter, Senior Director and leader of the Clinical Microbiology segment at Thermo Fisher Scientific, discusses how healthcare facilities in the UK are changing in response not only to the unprecedented demand of the global COVID -19 pandemic, but also the increased pressure of Brexit.

By aligning to the latest requirements after the Brexit transitional period, appointing new European Authorized Representatives to act as single points of contact for the EU national Competent Authorities and Notified Bodies, and taking measures to ensure continuity of supply, Thermo Fisher Scientific is at the forefront of the UK’s modern diagnostic industry.

This video is the third installment in our four-part series exploring the diagnostic labs of the future. Follow the links below for the complete series:

Rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) on the front line

How the COVID-19 outbreak is reshaping the diagnostics industry

Shaping the future of the UK diagnostics industry while ensuring continuity of supply

From qPCR to serology testing: Discover how scientists are keeping up with COVID-19

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