Andor Technology Offers Extensive Active Illumination Portfolio for Optogenetics and Photostimulation

5 Apr 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

Andor Technology plc (Andor), a world leader in scientific imaging and modular spectroscopy solutions, announce the launch of its comprehensive Active Illumination Portfolio. All Active Illumination (AI) techniques target optical radiation at user-defined region(s) of the specimen and use optical imaging to observe, and often to measure, the impact of the “perturbation”. Andor’s AI portfolio therefore enables the user to easily Observe, Perturb and Measure.

AI has developed over the last two decades and describes a rapidly evolving range of optical techniques with an increasing impact on scientific enquiry and experimentation. The comprehensive portfolio offers MicroPoint, Mosaic, Mosaic Duet and FRAPPA, as well as a range of light sources and software.

The Andor AI portfolio will provide researchers with a wide range of technical capabilities. Included among these techniques are photoactivation and switching; constrained or adaptive illumination; FRAP; ablation, cutting and marking; uncaging of caged compounds; and optogenetics, for example channelrhodopsin.

In addition to a new detailed AI brochure, the Andor website has been updated to carry key information on each product line as well as a comprehensive range of application and technical notes.

Mark Browne, Director of Systems at Andor, said “Andor has established the most powerful and flexible portfolio of products for these technologies and provides them in both systems and component format. To this end we work with 3rd parties to ensure high levels of support across multiple hardware and software environments.”

For more information on the broad range of Active Illumination products available from Andor, to view a range of informative movies or to find out more please visit the company article page.

