Clinical Scientists – Get Involved with LabsAreVital

22 Aug 2013
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

The ownership and leadership of the LabsAreVital program has passed from its founder, Abbott Laboratories, to a new Consortium Board. Senior representatives from the professional bodies ASCP, IFBLS, IFCC and WASPaLM now make up the Consortium Board, and a new community-led program is emerging.

At the core of the new program is a new web platform which can be found at:

The new community website exists so that laboratory professionals can share their experiences with each other. Individual case studies will highlight how laboratory medicine affects each individual patient experience. The website will feature articles from laboratory professionals describing current topics and IVD developments, discussion about which will be encouraged to increase the value of the profession. The program will provide opportunities to connect with peers globally to share strategies, successes, and opportunities in promoting the field of laboratory medicine.

How to get involved with LabsAreVital

Want to get involved with LabsAreVital but not sure where to start? This ‘How To’ guide will show you the way…

1. Commenting on blogs

Register - To comment, you must first register on the LabsAreVital site using the button at the top of the page. This will only require your name and email address.

Comment – Using the text box at the bottom of each blog.

Wait – Comments may not appear for up to 2 days, as all comments are moderated.

2. Contributing a blog

Pick your category - Blogs on the LabsAreVital site fall into 7 categories:

• Community Experience
• Ensuring Patient Safety
• Evidence of Clinical Value (HEOR/individual patients)
• Disease State Management /Patient Pathways
• Drive for Innovation and Smarter Diagnostics
• Work Culture and Career Choices/Development
• Controversies in Laboratory Medicine

Blog template – Write your blog using the LabsAreVital Blog Template in the toolkit, to make sure you send through all the information we need.

Guidelines - Check out the Blog Guidelines in the toolkit for a step by step guide to choosing a topic and writing a great blog for the LabsAreVital site. If you would like any input on your blog topic or you have any further questions, please email

Email your blog – Email your finished blog to We will get back to you with the date that it will be uploaded within a few days.

3. Adding an Event to the LabsAreVital Calendar

Email the following details to

• Title
• Date and time
• Location
• Description

Click here to see Graham Beastall and Ellis Jacobs from the IFCC tell SelectScience a little bit more about the Labs Are Vital initiative at the AACC Annual Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo 2013 last month.
