Deploying Definiens Technology, Renowned Helmholtz Zentrum München Improves Quality and Throughput in Image Analysis

31 Mar 2008

Researchers and scientists at Helmholtz Zentrum München* are now relying on Definiens technology to optimize image analysis processes. Time consuming routine tasks - which may lead to errors once the observers’ concentration lapsed – are automated at a consistently high level of quality. “It used to take us three months to manually evaluate some of our studies. By benefiting from substantial savings in time and resources, we are now able to accomplish that same amount of work in a few days,” stated Dr. Axel Walch, from the Institute of Pathology at Helmholtz Zentrum“. As an added benefit, the more precise data analysis results in more decisive conclusions and considerably improved research quality. What’s more, we can now much better make use of the time we save because we have additional resources to carry out further sophisticated tasks,” the pathologist added.

An image analysis platform for a wide spectrum of applications in life sciences
Helmholtz Zentrum München also chose Definiens software for its supreme flexibility and platform independence, since it operates independently of any particular manufacturer and runs on any image capturing device. Thus, there is no need to purchase individual device and software solutions. The Definiens Enterprise Image Intelligence Suite can process any standard file format and multiple special image formats, quite common in modern research environments.

Another key reason for selecting the Definiens Enterprise Image Intelligence Suite is the high quality of the integrated analysis capabilities - doing much more than just recognizing pixels. In fact, Definiens provides a theoretically unlimited number of analysis options - all the way up to complex 4-D evaluation.

Making image analysis accessible to every scientist
Furthermore, deployment of Definiens software throughout the entire Helmholtz Zentrum München provides a central database of image analysis expertise - which every authorized scientist can access. As such, image analysis knowledge does not get lost – it is cumulated and made available to every department. Hence, any issues regarding image analysis can be addressed faster. This reduces the turnaround time of research projects, an increasingly important factor: “If you want to be at the top of your game in today’s world of research, scientific work needs to be completed as quickly as possible,” pointed out Prof. Dr. Rupert Lasser, Director of the Institute of Biomathematics and Biometry at the Helmholtz Zentrum München and Chair of Mathematics at the Technical University of Munich. “Definiens Enterprise Image Intelligence Suite opens up a broad spectrum of image analysis implementations in environmental health research”

*formerly: GSF National Research Center for Environment and Health

