Email Marketing Essentials from our Marketing Operations Manager

Top tips to increase open and click rates and achieve quality ROI

1 Jun 2024

Are you looking to elevate your email marketing? SelectScience’s Marketing Operations Manager Hayley Hill, shares her essential tips for how to optimize your marketing emails to increase open and click rates and achieve quality ROI.

Watch the video now, or catch up on the key points below:

Key learnings from this presentation:

  • Share valuable content: Provide content pieces that will engage your audience and provide clear benefit to them. When selecting your content consider the goal of your email. For example, if you are looking to generate qualified leads, gated content can serve the dual purpose of generating awareness and qualifying MQLs.
  • Deliver social proof: We find that our audience are most receptive to peer-to-peer content, so where possible try to include a product review from an existing customer or a video featuring a thought-leader.
  • Create relevant copy: Craft messaging that speaks to your audience and their goals or needs. Keep your copy benefit focused and where you can, personalize your messaging. You can use dynamic fields such as name/job title etc. or utilize conversational language that creates the impression you are speaking directly to your intended recipients.
  • Optimize your layout: Keep your emails short, simple and impactful. Sharing one key message and delivering your CTA as high in the email as possible makes it clear what action you want your audience to take. We have found that a text link CTA at the very top of the email can increase click rates by up to 10%.
  • Don’t underestimate your subject line: Share the benefit to your audience upfront in the subject line. We have found that subject lines that use personalization and a relevant emoji can draw attention in a busy inbox and increase open rates.
  • Test and evaluate: Review your email results and use A/B testing to validate different strategies.

When you partner with SelectScience we can provide support on content, copy, layout and subject lines, to ensure that your emails are successful. We can also create emails for you using your brand guidelines. To find out more about our Exclusive Email service, get in touch

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