Free-of-charge monograph: The Analysis of Water and its Constituents

19 Jun 2008
Regina Schlink
Manufacturing / Processing

Water is a necessity of life for all organisms—no life is possible without water! Water is required as a solvent and as a transport and swelling agent—in this way it makes a wide range of different chemical and colloidal cell reactions possible.

We all need pure, healthy and unpolluted water. Maintaining its purity is not just the responsibility of the environmental or the water supply and distribution authorities, every one of us is concerned.

As a result there is a wide range of very different regulations and directives throughout the world from which an independent analytical branch has developed.

The aim of this monograph is to show which parameters/water constituents can be analyzed with Metrohm instruments.

Order your personal free-of-charge copy from your local Metrohm agency. The book is available in German and English.

