GP RequestVision™ goes live at James Paget Hospital in Great Yarmouth

7 Feb 2008

James Paget University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is among the first UK sites to go live with GP RequestVision from Olympus. This new online GP pathology test request system, utilising software by Indigo4 Systems, is now streamlining the entire process of patient test ordering through to laboratory results. Such is its ease of use, that within a month of go live, over half of the Trust?? GPs in the Great Yarmouth area are already using the new Olympus system.

With a significant amount (70%) of the laboratory’s pathology workload originating directly from GPs, James Paget has been working closely with its local practices in order to provide the most effective service possible. “The Trust is delighted with the rapid uptake by GPs of the new electronic test request system,” said Gary Nicholson, Pathology Services Manager at James Paget. He continued to explain why, “Since the Olympus system is web-based, it is very intuitive and GPs have been able to start using it almost immediately. Roll out at each practice has involved a simple three hour training session and that’s it! It’s very easy to use.”

Using RequestVision, GPs are able to order pathology tests online via a simple tick box style form and in doing so, eliminate typing and transcription errors commonly found with traditional paper test request forms. The form is then electronically transfered directly to the laboratory before the actual sample arrives. This advance notice at the laboratory of incoming tests enables efficient workflow planning and early alerts to lost or delayed samples.

With the use of revolutionary PDF417 barcode technology printed directly by the GP onto sample labels, data entry at the laboratory is made quick and easy resulting in improved data quality and faster return of results. Thirty keystrokes during the booking-in process in sample reception has now been reduced to two barcode swipes and a single keystroke.

“RequestVision has been received very well by all the GPs who are now using it, since they are saving time and money, as well as receiving results back quicker. We’re really pleased to be able to offer a demonstably better pathology service to our GPs and look forward to continuing rapid roll out to the rest of our GP catchment area,” concluded Gary Nicholson.

