ICPL™-4-SUCCESS: The new SERVA ICPL™ Quadruplex Kit for quantitative analysis of proteomes

20 Jul 2008

The powerful ICPL™ technology for comparative quantification of proteins is now available with a fourth label. Applying the ICPL™ quadruplex method the simultaneous quantitative analysis of four independent proteome samples can be performed by stable protein labelling side by side. The ICPL™- technology combines the power of Isotope-coded Protein Labelling (ICPL) with an unmatched dynamic range for protein identification and quantification due to its potential combination with intact protein fractionation steps. The ICPL™ quadruplex method will be introduced at HUPO 2008 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Halder et. al, ICPL (Isotope-coded Protein Labelling) QUADRUPLEX Technology for quantitative Proteomics). The ICPL™ Quadruplex Kit is designed for use with protein fractionation such as 1D/2D-PAGE and post digestion LC-MALDI-MS or LC-ESI-MS analysis.

To analyse ICPL labelled LC/MS data, a new software suite called ICPLQuant was developed. The main functionalities are peptide pattern searching (duplex, triplex or quadruplex), peptide quantification in an LC-run and merging with MASCOT protein results. ICPLQuant takes deisotoped data as input, generates precursor files for MS/MS and is able to import MASCOT result files for combining MS/MS and quantification results.

The SERVA ICPL Quadruplex Kit has been developed by Lottspeich et al. (MPI für Biochemie, Martinsried) and TopLab GmbH, Martinsried and is marketed worldwide through SERVA Electrophoresis GmbH and Bruker Daltonics, Bremen.

