SERVA Electrophoresis GmbH

SERVA‘s mission is to bring innovative products to the life science research market. SERVA pursues the highest standards in product quality, workplace safety and responsibility for the environment we live in. SERVA's commitment is to meet the changing needs of scientists while sustaining consistently high product quality and customer service – SERVA Serving Scientists.

SERVA‘s mission is to bring innovative products to the life science research market. SERVA pursues the highest standards in product quality, workplace safety and responsibility for the environment we live in. SERVA's commitment is to meet the changing needs of scientists while sustaining consistently high product quality and customer service – SERVA Serving Scientists.

Contact SERVA Electrophoresis GmbH

Carl-Benz-Str. 7 P.O.B. 10 52 60 69115 Heidelberg

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