In the News this Week: Blood Test for Cancer, EU Body-on-a-Chip Project & New Column Set Runs Seven EPA Methods

24 Jul 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Read our top stories in the news this week:

Could Point-of-Care Testing Stop Ebola Outbreak?
In this exclusive interview, Sonia Nicholas discusses the current Ebola crisis with Matt Boisen, Program Director of Infectious Disease & Emerging Technologies at Corgenix Medical Corp. Corgenix has just been awarded a three-year, $2.9m National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant, to advance the development of an Ebola rapid diagnostic test kit.

New Data Suggests the Possibility of a Simple Blood Test for Cancers
EKF Diagnostics announces that the latest results from its collaboration with the Institute of Life Sciences at the University of Swansea, UK, have continued to confirm the effectiveness of its PointMan™ DNA -enrichment technology for isolating and characterizing low-level DNA mutations in blood. This is significant, as such sensitivity paves the way for the possibility of using a simple blood test to screen and diagnose different cancers, as well as monitor the efficacy of anti-cancer therapies.

Winner of the Scientists’ Choice Award for Best New Clinical Laboratory Product of 2013 to be Announced at AACC
SelectScience will be announcing the winner of the Scientists’ Choice Award for Best New Clinical Laboratory Product of 2013 at the American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) Annual Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo 2014. Discover which top products made the shortlist.

EU Body-on-a-Chip Project
InSphero has co-authored research published in the journal Nature Communications that demonstrates the feasibility of creating multi-tissue networks of spheroids in a hanging drop format, interconnected by microfluidic channels.

New Phenomenex GC Column Set for Chlorinated Pesticides Runs Seven EPA Methods
Phenomenex Inc., introduces Zebron™ ZB-CLPesticides-1 and 2 for dual-column pesticide testing by GC/ECD (electron capture detection). The column set saves time and money for chlorinated pesticide testing commonly performed by environmental and drinking water testing labs, which often need to run up to seven EPA methods on a single instrument.

