Introducing Progenta™ Non-ionic Acid Labile Surfactants

17 Jul 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

Progenta Non-ionic Acid Labile Surfactants (NALS) are novel, acid cleavable detergents that are fully compatible with mass spectrometry analysis. The Progenta NALS's have been engineered to provide a safe, robust alternative to detergents (e.g. Triton® X-100, TWEEN® 20, and TERGITOL® Type NP-40) that are commonly used in protein sample preparation, but that negatively impact subsequent analysis by mass spectrometry.

NALS degradation by-products are uniquely uncharged, thus limiting ion suppression effects in mass spectrometry work flows.

Two different detergent strengths are available:

Progenta Non-ionic Acid Labile Surfactant I (ALS-400)
Progenta Non-ionic Acid Labile Surfactant II (ALS-410)


• Rapidly cleaved in just 30 minutes at pH 2.5 – 3.0 in 1% TFA or formic acid
• NALS cleavage products are uncharged, fully soluble, and do not interfere with mass spectrometry analysis
• Promotes protein solubility and improves enzymatic digestion
• Less harsh incubation than other available acid labile surfactants
• Certified Mass Spec Grade

Research Applications:

• Solubilization of proteins and other biomolecules
• Sample preparation and solid phase extraction
• Improved enzymatic digestion of proteins
• Cell lysis and protein extraction from cell lines, tissues, and biological samples
• Extraction of biomolecules from environmental samples

