Randox Celebrates 30th Anniversary

18 Sept 2012
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Randox are celebrating their 30th anniversary this year. As a world leading manufacturer of third party quality control materials, Randox’s innovative quality management solutions have been developed with performance, consolidation and economy in mind, providing the tools for laboratories to save both costs and time.

An extensive range of multi-analyte controls are available covering over 350 parameters providing an opportunity for laboratories to dramatically reduce the number of controls used, free up valuable staff time and ultimately save money without compromising on quality or performance. Most controls are available in a convenient and easy to use liquid formulation.

Randox take pride in producing the highest quality material on the market. Superior manufacturing techniques and adherence to a strict manufacturing regime allow them to deliver quality controls with minimal lot to lot variation. Users can expect target values to be similar and analyte stabilities to remain the same between lots.

Randox controls are designed to provide an unbiased assessment of performance and are not specific for use with any particular instrument or reagent manufacturer. Highly accurate instrument and method specific target values are assigned to our assayed controls using data generated from thousands of independent laboratories making Randox a true supplier of third party controls.

All lyophilized and liquid controls generally have a shelf life of four years and two years respectively from the date of manufacture meaning laboratories can use the same lot of control for longer and thus minimize the problems with changing lot numbers. The superior open vial and reconstituted stability of many controls helps to minimize waste and keep costs low.

In addition to its ‘off the shelf’ material, Randox is also the world’s largest provider of customized quality control sera. The customized QC service is designed to provide a cost effective, tailor made solution to meet the individual and unique specifications of modern laboratories.

To complement the Randox range of internal quality controls, a web based inter-laboratory data management programme is also on offer. Acusera 24.7 is specifically designed to help improve the effectiveness of quality control processes whilst providing laboratories with the tools to monitor analytical performance and compare QC results to thousands of laboratories using the same instrument and method. Peer group data is uniquely updated every 24 hours giving users access to the most up to date information available.

RIQAS (Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme) completes the Randox quality management package as the world’s largest global EQA scheme with more than 25, 000 participants in over 100 countries. At present there are twenty one comprehensive programmes to choose from covering everything from routine chemistry tests to serology. The reduced analyte and reporting options deliver flexibility and choice for all laboratory sizes and budgets while a comprehensive test menu enables effective programme consolidation.

