Sage Science Introduces Automated DNA Size Selection for Mate Pair Library Construction at AACR 2011

27 Mar 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

Visit Sage Science at booth #1723 to learn about the Pippin Prep™ automated DNA size selection system for next-gen sequencing.

The newest precast gel cassette for the Pippin Prep system (0.75% agarose) enables accurate, automated size fractionation for DNA fragments 2-10 kb in size. This range is well suited for mate pair library construction, which is used to map DNA sequences that are separated by several kb in the genome. Typically, this application requires lengthy gel runs (up to 10 hours) and irreproducible manual gel slice extraction. With the Pippin Prep, this procedure can be reduced to gel runs of less than 2 hours, and minutes of hands-on time.

In addition, the Pippin Prep can reproducibly generate narrower size distributions than can be obtained than manual methods. This feature enables production of higher quality mate pair libraries, and enhances sensitivity for detection of structural variations.

The Pippin Prep DNA size selection system is a proprietary electrophoretic platform that uses disposable pre-cast agarose gel cassettes for next gen sequencing applications. Five cassette types are available, and software is used to select and extract targets starting at 50 bp, and up to 10 kb. The Pippin Prep facilitates techniques such miRNA library fabrication, ChIP-seq, paired-end sequencing, and isolation of PCR products.

