Sakura Finetek Introduces the World’s First Automated and Programmable Microtome
21 Oct 2014
Building on the success and principles of SMART Automation, Sakura Finetek proudly introduces the next step in Total Laboratory Automation: Tissue-Tek® AutoSection® Automated Microtome, advancing histopathology laboratories and improving patient care.
The first of its kind, this fully-automated and programmable microtome aligns and trims blocks with optimal precision, section after section. AutoAlign™, the core technology behind AutoSection®, precisely orients blocks and dramatically reduces the risk of losing tissue; revolutionary for re-cuts. In addition, with AutoTrim™ technology, blocks are ready for sectioning in seconds. Another major benefit of automation and stress free microtomy is the reduction of repetitive motion and the increase of staff satisfaction.
AutoSection® sets the standard ensuring:
• Consistent high-quality sectioning
• Preservation of valuable tissue
• Improved productivity
• Minimal repetitive motions