Shimadzu Biotech: Bringing analysis to life at ASMS 2007

14 May 2007

Shimadzu Biotech invites you to visit with us at ASMS 2007 where we’ll be showcasing our latest technologies and applications in Booth #94 and in our Hospitality Suite (Westin Hotel, Capitol II, 50 S. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN, open from 6:30 Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings).

Shimadzu Biotech is focused on developing new tools to help accelerate life science research by integrating novel chemistry with innovative technology to achieve a unique position as a provider of complete solutions for life scientists. Whether it is imaging tissue with mass spectrometry, characterizing differences in metabolism in patient studies, or a gel-based experiment for understanding protein expression, Shimadzu Biotech can help you discover more about the biology of disease.

At ASMS 2007, we welcome the opportunity to share our integrated approach to life science and drug discovery/development with you. Among the products to be on display are:

  • AXIMA-TOF2 MALDI Mass Spectrometer: optimizing performance and efficiency in MS analyses
  • CHIP Chemical Printer: premier device for sample prep in tissue imaging/profiling
  • AccuSpot MALDI Plate Spotter
  • Xcise Automated Gel Processing System
  • LCMS-IT-TOF Hybrid Mass Spectrometer: featuring Formula Predictor Software
  • GCMS-QP2010 Plus Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer: world’s most sensitivity GC/MS
  • Prominence UFLC (Ultra-Fast Liquid Chromatograph): ideal as a front end for MS
  • 2D HPLC for BioAnalysis

In addition, we have scheduled over 40 posters and presentations in such sessions as:

  • Ionization Mechanisms
  • Instrumentation: New Concepts
  • Carbohydrates/Oligosaccharides
  • Proteomics: Biochemistry
  • Polymers
  • Quantitation
  • Natural Products
  • Imaging MS
  • Small Molecule Analysis
  • Homeland Security

Shimadzu Biotech: Delivering new technology for life science. We look forward to seeing you.

