‘The basic foundation for science is transparent and open communication’
Dr. Vikramsingh Gujar, from Northwestern University, discusses his research on inflammatory disorders and why effective knowledge share is vital for scientific advancement
17 Jun 2021

Lab product reviews can change the world by helping other scientists find the best equipment to accelerate their vital work. Here at SelectScience®, we are dedicated to promoting peer-to-peer communication that will make the difference – but we couldn’t do it without our esteemed reviewers. In this regular feature, we put the spotlight on some of our most dedicated and impactful reviewers and find out what inspires them to keep sharing their knowledge with the global scientific community.
This week’s ‘Reviewer in the Spotlight’ is Vikramsingh Gujar, a postdoctoral scholar at the department of otolaryngology, Northwestern University, USA. His current research efforts focus on investigating the olfactory loss during the inflammatory disease chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). In this article, Vikramsingh tells us what inspired him to become a scientist and how clear communication is one of the main responsibilities of the job.
Tell me about your role and your current research
I am a postdoctoral scholar at the Department of Otolaryngology, Northwestern University – Feinberg School of Medicine. I am a scientist working in the field of neuroscience and immunology, where I study the relationship between neurons and peripheral cells during the process of inflammation and olfaction.
Inflammatory diseases are intricate health issues, which lead to a significant impact on a patient's life. Despite extensive research, effective treatment remains elusive with no guarantee of cure and comes with several adverse side effects. To develop novel therapeutic options for treating inflammatory diseases, we must understand the underlying basic molecular mechanisms. My current research focuses on unraveling the mystery behind the olfactory loss during the inflammatory disease called chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). I am studying the crosstalk between olfactory neurons and epithelial cells, which provides vital information regarding olfactory loss in patients suffering from CRS.
What inspired you to become a scientist?
I have always loved science and the thrill which comes with it. As a kid, I was given free access to books, games, and other resources by my parents, which developed my inner curiosity. After learning science at school and college, I’ve always had questions like: ‘What is life?’ ‘How do genes and proteins function and regulate in an organism?’ ‘What are the underlying workings of cells?’ This was the realm of curiosities that led me into this magnetic world of biological science. My unchanging aspiration is to explore and discover the mysteries of life's inner workings in the micro-cosmos represented by cells and molecules as a scientist.

Why is communication vital in science?
I believe that the basic foundation for science is transparent and open communication. Without clear communication, the whole essence of scientific discoveries will be lost. If you are not letting others know about your findings, then there is no way for the scientific community to progress. Also, it's the scientist's responsibility to convey their research to the general public as they deserve to know about the current scientific discoveries.
How can we tackle misinformation in science?
Scientific misinformation leads to the development of mistrust towards the scientific community. The best way to tackle misinformation is to create awareness about the sources from where one can learn about the field and recent discoveries. Also, it is the scientific community's responsibility to identify false information and debunk them by providing correct knowledge.
Why do you think lab equipment reviews are important?
Buying a piece of lab equipment is a significant investment, and I always want to make sure that the thing we purchase should meet the standards. A detailed review always helps to know the pros and cons of the particular products. The authentic reviews on platforms like SelectScience come directly from the end-users and assist in the buying process.
What is the most innovative piece of lab equipment you use?
I am working on finding novel mRNA biomarkers for inflammatory diseases, for which I am utilizing NextSeq500 next-generation sequencing by Illumina. In addition, to identify extracellular vesicles, I perform dynamic light scattering and nanosight tracking analysis using the Zetasizer Nano ZSP and NanoSight NS300 by Malvern Panalytical. These cutting-edge techniques have made it possible to significantly improve data quality and have considerably reduced the overall research time.

What do you envision for your future?
I want to continue my research in biomedical sciences and would like to find novel therapeutic drugs for treating inflammatory disorders with minimal side effects.
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