The latest advances in gene editing & CRISPR technology
Discover the latest in CRISPRi screening, iPSC editing and the latest in molecular diagnostics made possible with gene editing technology
31 Aug 2021

For this new special feature, we’ve pulled together a selection of the top new resources to support and advance your work applying gene editing and CRISPR technology. Discover reliable methods for the delivery of genome editing tools, find out how to rapidly engineer thousands of protein variants with large-scale, massively parallel genome engineering, explore the latest advances in CRISPRi screening, and much more.

ENRICHMENT SCREENING:Explore the genome with advances in CRISPRi technology
With improved knockdown efficiency, CRISPRi screening can be a powerful tool to greater understand the genome. Discover how solutions from Merck can help unlock the power of CRISPR for your gene editing experiments.

BENCHTOP BIOFOUNDRY: Automated, massively parallel genome engineering
Rapidly engineer thousands of protein variants with the OnyxTM Digital Genome Engineering Platform. Streamline site saturation mutagenesis, optimize protein expression and investigate thousands of native promoter elements.

KNOCKOUT: Reliable delivery of genome editing tools
Increase the efficiency of gene knockouts using minimally invasive, intracellular delivery of genome editing tools with the SU10 nanopipette-based platform from Yokogawa Electric Corporation.

iPSC EDITING: Revealing the intricacies of the human genome
In this article, iotaSciences and Dr. Narasimha Telugu, Max-Delbrueck Center, discuss the challenges facing CRISPR in editing human stem cells, and what the future may hold for this technology.

CRISPR-BASED DIAGNOSTICS: Bringing revolutionary diagnostics to market
Learn how genome editing experts are harnessing the power of CRISPR-Cas enzymes to power the next revolution in COVID-19 detection and diagnosis.

WEBINAR SERIES: Gene editing & CRISPR masterclass
In this series of webinars, find out all you need to know about the latest techniques, technologies, and tools, including the innovations in CRISPR that are advancing translational research and beyond.
More expert resources:
Discover new resources, top techniques and state-of-the-art tools to support your work.
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This application note introduces the features of the SU10 and provides examples demonstrating the delivery of genome editing tools

Find out how to achieve efficient CRISPR gene editing with Bio-Rad's Gene Pulser Xcell Electroporation System

This webinar highlights how to identify genome-wide targets of osmotic stress tolerance in E. coli using CRISPR-mediated forward engineering

Realize the potential of CRISPR/Cas9 with new Simple Western™ immunoassay technology – a solution for small sample sizes

Tim Patno describes how Mammoth Biosciences uses the latest CRISPR technology to read and write the code of life

Join this online event showcasing innovations in CRISPR that are set to advance translational research

In this application note, a single Twist Oligo Pool was used in combination with Custom Library Multiplexed Cloning to generate custom sgRNA libraries

Richard Fox, Inscripta, introduces the Onyx Digital Genome Engineering Platform, the world’s first benchtop platform for scalable digital genome engineering.

This webinar introduces genome engineering workflows with efficient single-cell cloning of human iPSCs
Your recommendations
Take a look at what other researchers and scientists all over the world are saying about the latest equipment and technologies in gene editing and CRISPR. Here, Josh Tycko, Stanford, shares his opinion on Clonal Genes by Twist Bioscience: