The Top DNA/RNA Purification and Analysis Products As Reviewed by You!

Discover some of the top rated products, as reviewed by SelectScience members

17 Aug 2015
Chelsie Phillips
Temporary Editorial Assistant

Read on to discover the top products for DNA/RNA purification and analysis, as recommended in our Buying Guide.

QIAGEN: RNeasy Plus Micro Kit (50)

"The QIAGEN RNeasy Plus kit gets reliable yield from small amounts of tissue with every use." Virginia Mclane, University Of New England
Write a review about the RNeasy Plus Micro Kit (50)

Takara Clontech: PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase

"Takara's PrimeSTAR Polymerase is fantastic. High yields, no errors and fast annealing. My lab uses it for site directed mutagenesis. This gives great yields and lots of correctly mutated colonies, with high efficiency." Gary W. Reuther, Moffitt Cancer Center
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Bertin Technologies: Precellys® Lysing Kits

"It is fast and efficient. It helps to have a better quality of samples." Madjid Djouina, Université Lille Nord de France, INSERM
Write a review about Precellys® Lysing Kits

Bio-Rad: Aurum RNA Sample Preparation Kits

"In a classroom setting, this product was fast to use and easy for students to handle reagents. Students were able to get purified DNA. I will reorder this again for my next class." Thomas Onorato, LaGuardia Community College
Write a review about Aurum RNA Sample Preparation Kits

Analytik Jena Life Science: innuPREP DNA/RNA Mini Kit

"Perfect for even small materials sizes. I highly recommend this product." Lekbira Hasib, Linköping University
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QIAGEN: QIAmp DNA Blood Mini Kit

"Another excellent product from QIAGEN. It is easy to use, and offers rapid and very good quantity DNA isolation from blood or body fluids with almost nil contamination." Gangadhar Chatterjee, Grant Medical College & JJ Hospital
Write a review about the QIAmp DNA Blood Mini Kit

Have you used any of these products? Share your expertise with our community of scientists and write a review today! Learn more about the important factors to consider in when purchasing new DNA/RNA purification and analysis technology in our Buying Guide.

