Thermo Scientific Gemini Analyzer enhances identification of low dose concentration of illegal substances
The analyzer with LowDoseID for narcotics analysis eliminates concentration limitations from testing process
28 Jul 2020
New trends in the manufacture and distribution of illicit narcotics to include low, distributed concentrations to offset high chemical potency has created challenges in substance identification for customs, border protection, law enforcement, public safety officials and military personnel. The Thermo Scientific Gemini Analyzer, now with LowDoseID, specifically addresses the rising trend of low concentration amounts of illicit substances.
The analyzer combines Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) and Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) into one device to facilitate comprehensive and confirmatory chemical identification for substances with a concentration between one and 10 percent. The ability to detect small amounts of substances significantly enhances accuracy and efficiency for first responders, particularly when identifying the presence of Fentanyl, heroin and cocaine.
"There is more pressure for law enforcement and military personnel to stay ahead of trends in illegal drug manufacturing and smuggling, and that includes the changing concentration of substances," said Erica Hirsch, vice president and general manager of Thermo Fisher Scientific's field and safety instruments business. "The Gemini Analyzer with LowDoseID meets an immediate need by increasing the accuracy of drug identification in low dose situations while keeping safety, reliability and ease of use top of mind."
In addition to new functionality through the introduction of LowDoseID, the Thermo Scientific Gemini Analyzer has also undergone a software update. The version 1.8 software enhances ease of use with on-screen color-coded alerts based on analysis results and an expanded factory chemical library, which allows for increased identification capacity relative to prior software versions, as well as smoother operation. The Gemini Analyzer was originally created for military and hazmat situations where ruggedization is a priority, which means Gemini instruments are designed to work reliably even in the harshest environments.
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