Uniqsis launches a new high intensity photochemistry light source

New Borealis LED light source has shown to accelerate photoredox catalysis

16 Feb 2024
Jessica Calvey
Product and Reviews Admin Assistant
High intensity Borealis™ LED light source

Uniqsis has launched a new high intensity Borealis™ LED light source which has been shown to significantly increase the rate of metal-catalysed photoredox reactions. Available in activation wavelengths from 365 nm up to 525 nm the Borealis LED light source is a proven device for performing photochemical reactions in both batch and flow modes.

The new version uses high-output LEDs that, being more efficient than the original chip-on-board (COB) LEDs, produce a higher light output for the same power consumption.

Described in a new application report, two time-studies were performed in a Uniqsis Solstice 12-position multi-tube batch photoreactor varying only the version of 420 nm Borealis LED lamp. In each case, the LED light source was connected to a 180 W Borealis digital power supply. The results illustrate how the increased photon flux provided by the new 420 nm 180 W Borealis LED lamp significantly increased the rate of a metal-mediated photoredox decarboxylative arylation (Macmillan reaction) when compared to the original Mk1 version.

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